1st Legion, Provisional Army of the Confederate States

 We Are The Legion!

Commander's Report From General Foxwell

Commander’s Report – 2023

State of the Organization

1st Legion P.A.C.S.

From the very beginning of this organization our purpose has been stated in our

By-Laws as;

Article III: Purpose

Section I: The Legion is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and

scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to

organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Sections 501 (c) (3) of

the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding sections of any future tax code.

Charitable--The act of giving money to others in need

Educational--1) Of or relating to education, 2) Serving to educate; instructive

Scientific—Of, relating to, or employing the methodology of science

Every year since Greg Bair organized the 1 st Legion PACS, a donation has been

made to at least one organization. Through those years many different

organizations have benefited from your efforts. In turn, many thousands of

visitors to some of the sites preserved with the help of your donations have

benefited by seeing history in its true form instead of from a digital screen. Many

of you have participated in educational displays, talks and demonstrations to

school classes as well as adults at events. Every site you have helped preserve has

given the scientist and archeologist an opportunity to research the area in as

close to pristine condition as possible. Many of the finds at these sites have

helped to confirm, expand, and sometimes change the previously known history

of the action at the site. The excavation of the Arabia and Cairo steamboats with

their contents, the recovery of the Monitor gun turret and CSS Hunley are a few

of the phenomenal discoveries and ongoing work that come to mind benefiting

from public donations.

In the past four years we have seen the outside forces who want to banish our

hobby and erase our heritage and history grow even stronger. Monuments

serving as memorials for loved ones who died on the battlefield and left nothing

behind but a memory for their loved ones and descendants to visit and honor

their valor, have been removed or destroyed. Grave markers, some of which have

been huge, ornate works of art in themselves, monuments erected by loving and

appreciative communities, have been destroyed or relocated and the sacred

bones beneath them exhumed to be reinterred at new locations with the honors

they deserve. All done in the hope if Christ waits another 150 years for His return

our descendants will not have to experience this all over again.

Three years ago, just as our hobby was regaining momentum after “The Incident”

at Cedar Creek, a biological bug was unleashed on the world that prompted our

government to put our nation under house arrest. We lost our freedom to move

about. We lost the opportunity to participate in events for more than just one

season. We lost the connection of community that God created in us to survive.

We lost our impetus to get out and join in public activities, and yes, most

importantly, we lost friends and family members, some of whom were PACS

members, to death from the disease unleashed on the world.

In the past two years we have seen a drastic decline in participation at events

from our own troops. If we continue this trend, this organization will fold and

become nonexistent. We cannot let that happen as no man is an island. None of

us can create any action that does not have some effect on someone else. If we

fold as an organization, the charity to other organizations stops, the education of

school classes and public comes to an end, the scientific research we depend on

to validate our own ancestors’ actions never happens because once the ground is

disturbed and paved over the history is lost.

Whoever is chosen at the end of today to lead this organization into the future, I

ask of you to give them your utmost to preserve this organization and raise it back

up to the family and camaraderie we have known in the past. We need everyone

of you to participate in the events if possible in order to accomplish this. Just as

the South rose out of the ashes of war and survived the reconstruction years, 1st

Legion PACS can rise once again to be a force to be noticed on the field.

General J. Dale Foxwell, Commanding, 1st Legion PACS

Nous Sommes La Legion

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