Re-enacting is an opportunity for young and old, individuals and families to participate in a variety of activities related to both the military and civilian aspects of American life in the 1860’s. It is truly a hands on approach to understanding the way in which our ancestors lived more than 150 years ago.
Military participants have a number of services to choose from including infantry, cavalry, artillery and specialties such as the Signal Corps or Engineers. All are offered within the ranks of 1st Legion PACS. Civilian participants, both male and female can engage in a number of activities related to camp life and home life during this period in American history. Children are welcome in camp and the toys and games of the 1800’s as well as camp chores occupy much of their time.
For both military and civilian re-enactors, the experiences of camp life, military drill and battle are unique in that they afford all the opportunity to engage in activities with others having similar interests. Living history rather than just studying history is not only a valuable learning experience for children and adults alike but leads to new understandings and a perspective of who we are as a people which many outside of re-enacting never achieve.
For those new to re-enacting, either military or civilian participants; it is not expected that they attend their first event with a complete uniform and kit or wardrobe. Many needed items can be purchased over a period of time, and veteran re-enactors either can loan or have for sale good used items to help you get started. In addition, many re-enacting companies have items to loan and will be more than happy to help new recruits shop carefully for quality uniforms, civilian clothing and other necessary items.
Please refer to the Legion Structure page to find a unit in your area or contact the General
for further assistance.